Lee Horsley! There's a name that doesn't come up enough. PARADISE was required viewing in my house growing up, no matter what night of the week they switched it to.

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“It ends more with a shrug than a jolt, despite the cool professionalism of everyone involved. And, if not for cultural archeologists like those who read and write film newsletters curious about the arcana of yesteryear, it would likely live on as an even fainter cultural memory than that juvenile slob Messy Marvin.”

It’s not like 40 years is that long ago but the stuff like this that falls through the cracks can still, uh, reveal things of interest. If nothing else, it shows where the cracks are. Keep these excavations coming, this is an excellent piece and just really good writing. Also, I am very much interested in seeing The Dirt Bike Kid vs. Pontypool now.

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