You did a nice job of capturing this books weird charms. If, after his 10th film (I still think KILL BILL should only count as one, but he's the boss), Tarantino wanted to go back and do this same thing for BASTERDS, DJANGO and KILL BILL, I wouldn't complain.

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This was the perfect movie to do it with, I think, because it's such a pleasure being in that time and place with those characters and you sense (correctly) that QT has imagined this world far beyond what we see on screen. But I'm with you on this point. I'd be up for novelizations of all his films. Save for Jackie Brown, of course. Elmore Leonard did just fine himself.

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I love, love, loved that book. I would pay good money for him to do this for all his movies. As you stated, it’s really just supplemental material, but it really fleshed out the characters in a way I’ve always wanted

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I also laughed very loudly in public at QT's brazenness in the recap of Trudi's post-Lancer career.

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