I second this emotion, for I too have seen every (non-animated) film here - cue Pacino: I'm a FAAAAAN of [the] man - and anything that throws a little light on THE TRUST especially is tops with me. Personally, there are a few I would put below RAGE at the bottom of the pile (PRIMAL; VENGEANCE), and reducing it to 'See also' status perhaps undersells how gloriously batshit BETWEEN WORLDS is. But rare is the Cager that doesn't offer up some goofy delight, be it the bonkers scene with the bellhop midway through A SCORE TO SETTLE, or the maestro's for-the-ages delivery of "Spam?" in USS INDIANAPOLIS, or everything Laurence Fishburne is doing in RUNNING WITH THE DEVIL.

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this is great, Keith! one of the things I missed in Age of Cage was some kind of guidance about this decade of movies, and here it is! (how can there be sooo many?)

how do rights work on these pieces that are submitted but don't run? do you have to request to have them back to run them somewhere else? do they revert to you after a period of time?

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"For Larry Charles he starred as a weirdo determined to kill Osama bin Laden in the fact-inspired Army of One, delivering a big, Jerry Lewis-inspired performance as he stumbles through the thorny underside of post-9/11 global politics on a mission from God"

I hate when a concept that crazy doesn't even make the top category of a list like this

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Here to heartily endorse pretty much all of the "these are the gems" list. Not much of a secret online that Mandy and Color Out of Space and the others are great, but Trust hasn't really been put in the same batch and it should be. That's the one that kind of first popped up on my radar as "oh, Cage is doing good stuff in good movies again".

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