The still of Tom Waits and Lily Tomlin reminded me of my favorite moment in Short Cuts: the two of them cackling as they stand in the doorway of the mobile home when the earthquake hits.
The still of Tom Waits and Lily Tomlin reminded me of my favorite moment in Short Cuts: the two of them cackling as they stand in the doorway of the mobile home when the earthquake hits.
Seeing them falling so hard off the wagon but also enjoying each others' company for the first time in the movie raises an issue: Is this a happy ending? Sure, he's at least a hopeless drunk but, at least for now, they're having a good time.
I think we're also supposed to keep in mind that they are unaware that she has not, in fact, averted a tragedy. (Though I think it's a little ambiguous how much difference such knowledge would make to Waits's character.)
The still of Tom Waits and Lily Tomlin reminded me of my favorite moment in Short Cuts: the two of them cackling as they stand in the doorway of the mobile home when the earthquake hits.
Seeing them falling so hard off the wagon but also enjoying each others' company for the first time in the movie raises an issue: Is this a happy ending? Sure, he's at least a hopeless drunk but, at least for now, they're having a good time.
I think we're also supposed to keep in mind that they are unaware that she has not, in fact, averted a tragedy. (Though I think it's a little ambiguous how much difference such knowledge would make to Waits's character.)