That photo of Hall reminds me that if we HAVE to have a PJ Harvey Biopic, we better get going while Hall is young enough to pull it off.

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...with Cate Blanchett as Nick Cave.

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Just screamed a little bit with delight

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Whew! Resurrection sounds like just my kind of thriller though. I think I'll have to check it out.

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I'm glad you didn't take my mixed review as a warning. It's a bold film and I know others, like our own Keith Phipps, were more pleased with it.

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Resurrection is one of those movies where I can see the seams and why it won't work for a lot of people. But the total commitment of everyone involved and the strong sense of mood and feeling overrides it for me. I believed Rebecca Hall in it, and that's almost all that matters.

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I'm glad that folks are ignoring my reservations on this and giving it a shot. You have to appreciate a movie that really goes for it, and agreed that Hall is outstanding.

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What spurred it for me was my friend sending me messages freaking out about it, and then discovering it was about to leave my local theater. I was the only one in it, but seeing the Shudder bumper gives me hope.

Even if there's a scene or two that ruins my preferred interpretations or makes the logic a little shaky, I'm glad it ended the way it did. No chickening out but it still gives nice ambiguity as to whether it's really happening. And the weird thing is, it almost makes sense as a plot progression!

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