Oof, three new movies reviewed and all of them get three stars? Looks like we're in the middle of a mid-June mediocrity slump! Thankfully I'm hearing very good things about Asteroid City, and Past Lives also goes wider this weekend.

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Ahem, The Flash gets two-and-a-half. I just want to make clear it's on the wrong side of the "just okay" fence.

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The substack post shows three stars...

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Oh damn. It was posted three stars in error. I have made the correction.

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do your graphics not do halves?

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Usually they do, it must have been coded incorrectly

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Yeah, it was posted in error. I've corrected it, though the email will have three stars forever. My reputation is in tatters!

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I did briefly think you were going soft.

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This is really going to skew the Tomatometer

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I will bleeping *end* the Tomatometer.

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Turning Red....great film. Kinda weird to see those two in the same sentence.

Don't get me wrong it has its charms, but it also has a Marvel-esque structure which leads to an interminable fight scene to save the universe at the end.

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Save the universe?! Toronto, maybe, but that's just one city.

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But isn't Toronto the whole universe???

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It is for one week a year (TIFF).

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Just saving Two-For-One Pizza is high enough stakes as far as me an concerned!

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The cinematic universe. Where will any movies be shot if Toronto goes?

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awwww. disappointed to hear that about Elemental

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To be honest, I didn’t get my hopes up too high since it looks like warmed-over Inside Out.

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The premise looks like a parody of Pixar movies. I can imagine a 30 Rock where someone pitches "fire falls in love with water."

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Cut to Kenneth: Preacher says that's a sign of the End Times so I'll be leaving early for the Rapture, Mr. Donaghy, but I've already trained my replacements.

Cut to Jenna and Tracey dressed as pages, wrestling.

That's lunch everybody. Back in 40...

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Shockingly, those early "The Flash is a life-changing, transformative experience" reviews have turned out to be empty hype after all.

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I should think, at this point, that folks will know to let those breathless early reactions to superhero films wash over them. It's actually gotten to where you can read a hack tweeting about how good, say, Ant-Man 3 is, and notice them holding back a bit because it actually stinks.

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Of course I only pay attention to reviews here.

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Your comment on The Blackening needing to “function as a horror movie, too” perfectly summed up my feelings on Get Out, as well. A really great, culturally fertile (vital, even) horror set-up, that, at least for me, got bogged down a bit too much in messaging, and felt like it forgot it was a horror movie at times throughout its 2nd Act. Still want to check this one out as I heard one of its writers on a Podcast recently and he generally seems like an awesome dude.

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*Sigh*, really not looking forward to the movies that my son and I will definitely see together. While the summer movie season seems lost at sea, I’m confident we’ll soon be able to use a dead reckoning to find our way.

(Sincerest apologies, so very sorry).

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