Funny, after watching The General the other day, I was thinking about how the natural successor to Keaton's work is the practical-effects driven action movie. Specifically Hong Kong films like Project A, but the Mission Impossible franchise certainly fits the bill as well. I'm sure there's some people who enjoy the dialogue and plotting …
Funny, after watching The General the other day, I was thinking about how the natural successor to Keaton's work is the practical-effects driven action movie. Specifically Hong Kong films like Project A, but the Mission Impossible franchise certainly fits the bill as well. I'm sure there's some people who enjoy the dialogue and plotting of the series, but for me, they almost function like a silent film.
I've loved (and seen in IMAX) every MI movie since 4* and I honestly couldn't describe a single specific thing about the plot or villains in any of them. Normally that's the kind of thing that would frustrate the hell out of me but somehow they pull it off.
*I skipped 3 after not liking 2 much. I know I need to get back to it if only for PS Hoffman.
Funny, after watching The General the other day, I was thinking about how the natural successor to Keaton's work is the practical-effects driven action movie. Specifically Hong Kong films like Project A, but the Mission Impossible franchise certainly fits the bill as well. I'm sure there's some people who enjoy the dialogue and plotting of the series, but for me, they almost function like a silent film.
I've loved (and seen in IMAX) every MI movie since 4* and I honestly couldn't describe a single specific thing about the plot or villains in any of them. Normally that's the kind of thing that would frustrate the hell out of me but somehow they pull it off.
*I skipped 3 after not liking 2 much. I know I need to get back to it if only for PS Hoffman.
Dana Stevens talked with Chad Stahelski about Keaton's influence on the John Wick movies. The thought is out there!
Chan's pretty open about the influence of Chaplin, Lloyd and especially Keaton.