When I see the words "Ernest" and "Celestine," my pop-culture mind jumbles them up to something like, "Ernest Goes to the Celestine Prophecy." Probably a movie you want to miss...

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"A dressed-up ad for Sony and Nissan takes the form of a 'Top Gun' knock-off"

I mean, do I need to read more?

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Love the Donkey Kong reference.

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It makes me throw up in my mouth a little that Gran Turismo’s subtitle is “Based on a True Story.” Is that necessary? I thought District 9 was technically amazing, but I was a lonely minority in thinking the third act was an irredeemable mess. (I once argued about this with William Gibson on Twitter.) Nothing Blomkamp has done since has made me feel like I should revisit it.

Ernest and Celestine, on the other hand, much fondness for. I’m happy to know there’s a new installment.

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I loved Ernest & Celestine. Looking forward to seeing this.

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Re: District 9, you're not alone--was loving the film until that third act, where it all falls apart. I saw Elysium and decided not to deal with Blomkamp after that, and the recent Uproxx interview seemed to confirm that https://uproxx.com/movies/neill-blomkamp-gran-turismo/

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Ugh, what a weird interview.

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