For anyone else wondering, C.J. Wilson the actor is a different person than C.J. Wilson, former Texas Rangers pitcher.

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Er, "...longtime friends Jamie (Margaret Qualley) and Marian (Geraldine Viswanathan) know their places. JAMIE likes to hop on the stage and whoop it up as she tells patrons of their favorite lesbian bar the locations of the next round of body shots and in what order they will be taken. JAMIE doesn’t do any of that. Mostly she just watches as JAMIE..." (added capitalization)

So... Jamie does things that Jamie doesn't do at all, and watches herself?

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The Double Life of Jamienique.

(I fixed it.)

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That was fast! And to think, you almost had a Kieslowski homage in your review...

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Good to hear about Drive Away Dolls. The trailer charmed me, but a friend saw it and said it was terrible, which bummed me out. I want artists I like to do art I like! So it's good to hear the disdain isn't universal.

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"though the early appearance of a wall-mounted dildo does turn out to be a bit of foreshadowing"

the classic Chekhov's dildo

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Will no one save Curlie?

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Truly a hard-to-top candidate for line of the year.

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I need this as a gif.

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The sound in my theater must not have been good because I heard this line as “Of course no one saves Curlie.”

I also didn’t hear Marian’s aunt’s last line clearly, but I imagine it was Coen & Cooke’s take on SOME LIKE IT HOT’s “Oh, well. Nobody’s perfect.”

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there isnt a bigger coen fan than i, but i thought this was a ladykillers-grade “what the hell happened here” misfire. it has its moments but they didnt cohere for me and it ultimately felt incomplete and a bit slapdash. i am not surprised to discover that “horny” is an awkward tonal fit for ethan.

however: this line was the funniest thing ive seen in a movie in a long long time. worth the price of admission. i hope curlie is ok.

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Curlie should be in every movie.

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I absolutely loved Drive Away Dolls. I need more Coen antics in my life, always. Just a lean, fun movie. Perfect afternoon theater trip.

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