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That is a very harsh interpretation of that shot. Let's Rot13 this to avoid spoilers:

V'z nffhzvat lbh zrna gur fubg bs bhe Tenl fheebtngr fghqlvat ng uvf qrfx? Gb zr, gung frrzf yvxr gur evtug erfcbafr gb jung unf unccrarq. Bar bs Cnhy'f ceboyrzf, juvpu jbhyq or n ceboyrz jvgu znal xvqf yvxr gung va uvf fvghngvba, vf gung ur'f abg njner be greevoyl gubhtugshy nobhg enpvny cevivyrtr. Ur unf abj orra znqr njner va gur zbfg qverpg naq puvyyvat grezf cbffvoyr: Uvf sevraq unf orra yrsg jvgu n greevoyr sngr naq uvf sngure unf tvira uvz n fbhy-fvpxravat zrffntr nobhg ubj gur jbeyq jbexf. Fb qevsgvat guebhtu fpubby yvxr vg qbrfa'g znggre vfa'g na bcgvba sbe uvz nalzber. Ur pna'g tb onpx gb gur qbbqyvat pynff pybja ur bapr jnf.

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Oh no no no. You have misremembered how the film ends. (Either that or I have.) I’m talking about a speech that takes place at school and Paul’s reaction to it.

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Oh right! I mean, okay. Thought it was a low-key, peace-out moment with a good song.

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