I like that Morbius is so inconsequential that it doesn't even get a star rating.

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That was an error, alas! Star rating has been restored. This is a movie of great consequence.

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I was going to say exactly that. not movie enough to score

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"It’s a box checked off. But is it really a movie?" I'm interpreting that as a star value of "?"

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The Contractor's great not for the film content but because the financiers are doing a legit The Producers-esque scheme involving a merger, undoing the same merger, declaring bankruptcy every month and still promising/threatening to give us the sequel to Gerard Butler's Greenland.

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STX, right? Fascinating. What a morale boost it must be for your producers to put your movie into Chapter 11.

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Yeah. It doesn't help STX seemingly "forgot" to release a new Guy Richie film two weeks ago in the middle of this. Now that's up in the air until they figure out if they're broke, not broke or capable of doing whatever this corporate three-card monte is.

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Is that The Outfit?

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No, Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre. Jason Statham, Aubrey Plaza and Cary Elwes are a spy team that isn't U.N.C.L.E. where they kidnap a Hollywood actor (Josh Hartnett) to trick Evil Gangster (Hugh Grant) into giving up a bomb or drugs or bread pies because Jason Statham blew his cover.

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Wow. See, I hadn't even heard about that one.

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Love that Apollo 10 1/2 review, especially that last graf about how Linklater may be answering those who critiqued Boyhood based on the title without being overly defensive.

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Thanks. I really do think that's a subtle point of emphasis here. And a good point about how many people, myself included, receive (or don't receive) information about the world.

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I haven't read the comics so I know nothing else about the character, but Jared Leto seems like perfect casting for someone who flies to Stockholm to melodramatically turn down a Nobel Prize.

IMO one of the reasons WeCrashed is working so well is that there is an automatic gut level dislike/distrust of any character Leto plays.

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Going to guess, by that logic, that Dallas Buyers Club did not work for you?

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Avoided it, never saw it. :)

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I'm an MCU junkie, and watching some of my friends resign themselves to seeing Morbius because it's apparently going to start explicitly tying Sony's Spider-Spinoffs to the main universe even has me wondering "Has this gone too far? Must Feige be stopped?"

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(I, personally, will be watching Apollo 10 1/2 instead)

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Incorporating Sony movies into MCU like going to favorite steakhouse and finding out they added side menu from Arby's. Me not ordering from that menu, but me still irked that it get attached to much better thing.

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