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Oct 17Edited


Great review. I think my favorite thing about "Anora" was the way it pulls the rug out from under you at the end – you think you've been watching a screwball comedy this whole time when it was actually a tragedy, just everyday exploitation by the rich. That last scene is the most devastating thing I've seen this year.

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Yeah, it's a killer. Let me encrypt the rest of my thoughts here (https://puretables.com/rot13-to-text): V guvax Onxre qbrf fhpu n svar wbo nyvtavat Nav jvgu Inaln'f zvaqref naq jvgu bgure jbexvat-pynff glcrf jub znxvat n yvivat freivat evpu xvqf yvxr uvz naq uvf snzvyl. Vg'f fhpu n urnegoernxvat fvghngvba sbe ure, orpnhfr fur gehyl oryvrirq ure zneevntr jnf erny, lrg fur vf hajvyyvat gb fubj gung xvaq bs ihyarenovyvgl va sebag bs nalbar. Gung fur pevrf ng gung zbzrag, jvgu gung crefba, vf whfg fb ornhgvshy. Yvxr n zbzrag bs fbyvqnevgl.

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Rknpgyl, gung jnf jung V ybirq nobhg Vtbe'f punenpgre – ur'f frg hc nf pbzvp eryvrs, ohg ur'f bayl npgvat guvf jnl orpnhfr ur'f gur bayl bar jub haqrefgnaqf jung unccravat. Vg znxrf gur raqvat gung zhpu zber cbjreshy.


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Jngpuvat vg, frrvat uvf yvggyr (bsgra haabgvprq) trfgherf bs xvaqarff naq flzcngul gbjneq ure, V xrcg guvaxvat "Fur'f zneevrq gb n obl, ohg ur'f fubjvat ure jung n zna pna or." Naq fur qbrfa'g frr n ybg bs gung, naq qbrfa'g erpbtavmr vg.


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Also, I love this encryption tool! Very cool!

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