Thanks for this tribute. I'm most familiar with her work in Gloria. Rowlands was a great vessel for converting strength and facility simultaneously.

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Night on Earth was also my intro to Rowlands! And Roberto Benigni, too, and Jim Jarmusch for that matter. I think it might have been the first artsy film I saw (my junior year in college, I believe). Also introduced me to Tom Waits, who I think sings at the beginning of the movie ("who the hell is this guy who sounds like the gravel in his voice has gravel?")? It's been 30+ years so my memory is hazy at best, but I do remember wanting to see it...for Winona Ryder of all people!! I had a crush on her after Edward Scissorhands. 🙃 The Benigni story was my favorite, as it careened from comedy to tragedy.

Looking forward to watching Opening Night - this looks a meaty movie.

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I saw NIGHT ON EARTH as part of a double feature with STRANGER THAN PARADISE (the bill also included the Waits/Pop segment from CIGARETTES AND COFFEE). I loved them all, but seeing STRANGER was a watershed moment for me. “You can make a movie that way? I didn’t know that.”

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For decades I've not been able to hear the phrase "opening night" without thinking of this song (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1DAUpWu8as). Today, singing it to myself, I realise the lyrics are "I feel like Gena might, upon her opening night" and put two and two together.

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That one’s new to me. I know Savages sample some dialogue on the first track of their first (?) album. Then there’s this:


This is more broad, but I cannot think about Cassavetes without hearing this song in my head:


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I knew about the Hold Steady song but was surprised by how much the lyrics actually reflect the plot of OPENING NIGHT (alas, I chose to go to the show in DC where they didn't play it in June)

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Got to get some more '90s Belgian indie rock into your diet

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